Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Result-Check Share Allotment

Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Result

Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Result Date:

Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Results will be held on the 16th of Shrawn, 2081. Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta issued FPO shares to the general public from 4th Shrawn to 8th Shrawn,2081. The company had issued forty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine(46,729) units of shares at Rs.100 per share to the general public.

Share Distribution Status:

For general Public46,729 units

FPO Application Status:

The IPO application status of Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta is shown in the table below:

Issued Units46,729 units
Applied Units93,30,420 units(as of 5th shrawn,17:06)
oversubscribed by199.67 times

Among the applicants, only 4672 will get 10 units of shares and 9 lucky people will get 11 units of shares each.

Financial Details:

The financial details including Net-worth and EPS of the company are shown in the table:

DescriptionFY078/079FY079/080FY080/081(Chaitra end)FY080/081(expected)
Company nameSuryodaya Womi Laghubitta
Net worth per share(Rs.)283.45154.86157.38165.63
Earning per share(Rs.)12.7443.368.98
Reserved profit/Loss(in ‘000)128,213157,641175,533229,599

Opening Range:

Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta is already listed in the NEPSE. So, its price is based on the current secondary market’s price.

Credit Rating:

Care Rating Nepal has provided the rating as “CARE-NP BB(Is) pronounced as Double B issuer rating” to the company. This indicates that the company has a moderate risk of default regarding the timely servicing of financial obligations.

1. What is the EPS of Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta?

Ans: The EPS of Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta is Rs.4 according to FY079/080.

2. What is the net worth of Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta?

Ans: The Networth Per share of Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta is Rs.154.86 according to the FY 079/080.

3. What is the opening range of Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta?

Ans: Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta is already listed in the NEPSE. So, its price is based on the current secondary market’s price.

4. When will the Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Result be Held?

Ans: Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Result will be held on the 16th of Shrawn, 2081.