Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO- upcoming IPO 2080

Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO


Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO( Initial Public Offering ) will float to the Public. 9,60,000 units of shares of Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO will be issued to Eligible foreign Nepalese employees at the value of Rs. 239 ( Rs. 100 face value and Rs. 139 as a premium value).

Sun Nepal Life Insurance will be opened for applications for foreign employees from the 1st of Shrawan to the 15th of Shrawan of 2080. The applicant can apply for a minimum of 10 units of shares to a maximum of 20,000 units of shares.

After issuing the Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO to the eligible foreign employees it will be opened for the General public. The company has got BBB- rating from Care Nepal rating. Sun Nepal Life Insurance has appointed Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited as the issue manager.

Company Details

Sun Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited is registered under the Company Act of 2063 and has the necessary license to conduct life insurance business, which was granted by the insurance board in accordance with section 10 of the Insurance Act 2049. In a relatively short period, Sun Nepal Life Insurance Firm Limited, a rapidly expanding life insurance firm, has established itself as a reputable and skilled insurance provider in the nation.

The central vision of the Sun Nepal LIfe insurance IPO is to be flexible and innovative to address the changing needs of Nepalese society, the company shall proceed with an absolute promise of financial security for clients, adopt policies and procedures to ensure high standards of corporate governance, and vigilance in communicating openly with regulators that would result into a company of choice for insurance and other financial products maintaining superior financial strength

Mr. Anuj KewalChairman
Mr Anuj KewalDirector
Mr Anuj KewalDirector
Mr Narayan RongtaDirector

Financial Conditions

Description FY078/79 (actual ) FY079/80 (expected)
Networth Per ShareRs.158.41Rs.156.29
Earning Per shareRs.15.72Rs.30.88
Reserved Profit/ loss(‘in million)Rs.395.40Rs.991.31

What will be the Opening range of the Sun Life Nepal Insurance IPO?

The opening range of the Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO will be from Rs. 140.56 to 421.68.

Where can I see the Sun Nepal Life Insurance IPO results?

You can see the IPO results from the capital website, Offical ipo result website, meroshare and other third-party apps like Mr Nepse and share hub.

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