SEE Result 2079 With Marksheet | Check Class 10 Result

SEE Result Date

SEE Result 2079/080 will possibly be published by coming Thursday (21 Ashad,2080 B.S) if everything goes as per plan according to the NEB officials.

SEE Result 2079 With Marksheet

Hey, SEE aspirants are you excited to see the SEE result 2079 with the marksheet? If yes, then you are in the correct place. Here we have guided you to check your results.

NEB Website

If you are willing to check your SEE result with a mark sheet, then follow the following steps:

  1. Click the link alongside:
  2. Enter the passed year 2079 (79) as shown below in the picture.
  3. Then enter your symbol number from your admit card.
  4. Lastly, enter your date of birth in the format – YYYY-MM-DD
  5. Then click on the search button.

NTC Website

You can check your SEE result with a mark sheet using the link–


  1. Enter your symbol number
  2. Enter your date of birth as shown in the picture below
  3. Click search Result
  • After this, you obtained your mark sheet
  • You can print your mark sheet by clicking “print grade sheet” as shown below.

Check SEE Result with SMS

If you want to check your results in SMS mode, then follow the following procedure:

  1. Open your messages box
  2. Enter 1600 in the recipient section as shown below
  3. Type SEE<space><symbol number> and send it.

Check Result Using IVR System

You can check the result using the IVR system from PSTN or CDMA phones. For this, you have to dial 1600 and follow the instructions.

SEE Exam 2079

National Education Board(NEB) conducted the SEE exam from 17th Chaitra to 29th Chaitra 2079 B.S. A total of 5 lakhs 8 thousand(5,08,000 approx) students had given the SEE Exam in 2079 B.S.

Details about Grading System

According to the New letter grading system in Nepal,2078; 1 credit hour is equivalent to 32 teaching hours and the pass score is 35 marks. Those who score less than 35 are considered NG(Non-Graded). The following table shows the recent letter grading system in Nepal:

Grade IntervalGrade ExplanationGrade DescriptionScore in %
3.61-4.0A+Outstanding91 to 100
3.21-3.6AExcellent81 to 90
2.81-3.2B+Very Good71 to 80
2.41-2.8BGood61 to 70
2.1-2.4C+Above Average51 to 60
1.61-2.0CAverage41 to 50
1.21-1.6D+Below Average31 to 40
0.81-1.2DAbove Insufficient21 to 30
Less than 0.8EInsufficientLess than 20

Grade Increment Exam Details

Generally, those who score D+ and below it(i.e. D+ / D / E) in not more than 2 subjects are capable of Grade Increment exams conducted by National Education Board(NEB). Those who score D+ and below it(i.e. D+ / D / E) in more than 2 subjects, he/she is said to be Non-Graded (NG). They must give an exam after 1 year.


When will the SEE Result(2079) be Published?

The SEE Result(2079/80) be Published by around Thursday (21 Ashad, 2080 B.S) if everything goes as per plan according to the NEB officials.

How to convert GPA(Grade Point Average) into Percentage?

To Convert the GPA into a percentage, multiply GPA obtained by 25.
For example: If you obtained a GPA of 3.78, Then your percentage is 3.78*25=94.5%

Is 3.6 GPA A or A+?

According to the New Grading System, a 3.6 GPA is A.

Is 3.2 GPA A or B+?

According to the New Grading System, a 3.2 GPA is B+.

Is 2.8 GPA B or B+?

According to the New Grading System, a 2.8 GPA is B.

Is 2.4 GPA B or C+?

According to the New Grading System, a 2.8 GPA is C+.

Is 2.0 GPA C or C+?

According to the New Grading System, a 2.0 GPA is C.

Is 1.6 GPA C or D+?

According to the New Grading System, a 1.6 GPA is D+.

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