Internet Service Providers Association Of Nepal (ISPAN) has released a “press release” saying that private internet companies would unable to provide internet service all over Nepal in the upcoming week. In a recent press release, ISPAN said that they boycotted National ICT Day-2022 this year which is being celebrated on the 19th of Baisakh. ISPAN has released different reasons in its recent press release regarding internet service providing. Some of the reasons are:
- Ministry of communications and information technology has completely stopped or forced to stop recommending foreign currency so that ISPAN couldn’t pay payments to their upstream provider’s company like Tata, Airtel, Stiffy, etc. The dues amount from the past 6 months has not been sent till now.
- ITPNS always warns that both the internet and cables may be cut off if the Private company does not full their demands.
These are the reasons why ISPAN warns the internet service providers to fulfill their dues so they can continue their internet service. Let’s hope for a positive response from the internet service provider.