Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (AATMA) is floating an IPO worth Rs. 2.03 crore having 203,380 units of shares to the public at the base value of Rs. 100. The head office of the company is located at Ghorahi Dang.
The company is selling its share in two phases, firstly the company will sell its stake to foreign-employed Neplease which is 10 % of the general public quota that’s become 20,338 units of shares. The eligible people can fill the IPO from Magh 16, 2079 BS to Falgun 1, 2079 BS.
Secondly, the company will sell its remaining share of 183,042 units to the general public from 11 Falgun, 2079 BS to 15 Falgun, 2079 BS. If fully subscribed then it will be closed it selling on 15 Falgun,2079 BS otherwise the application will be open till 25th Falgun,2079 BS.
Apply IPO of Aatmanirbhar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited: Click Here
10,170 units of shares from 183,042 units are allowed to mutual fund schemes and 3,117 units of shares are reserved for the employees of the company. So, finally general public can participate in the share unit of 1,69,755 worth Rs. 16,975,500. Eligible Investors can apply for a minimum of 10 units of share to 1000 units of allocation.
SEBON ( Securities Board of Nepal ) has approved the company to float an IPO to the public on 17 Poush,2079.
The company has appointed Sunrise Capital Limited as the issue manager for Initial Public Offering (IPO). the chief executive officer ( saugatbir Chaudhary) of Atmanirbhar Laghubitta and Vijay Lal Shrestha CEO of sunrise capital limited have signed the MoU.
The company has got the Care NP B+ rating from SEBON which states the High risk of default regarding the timely servicing of financial obligations.
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It was established in 2075 BS and is currently licensed as a D-class microfinance company in Nepal. Now, the paid-up capital of the company is Rs. 4.20 crore and after the issuing of the IPO, the paid-up capital will increase to Rs.6.23 crore.
The net worth per share of the company is Rs. 371.82 and the expected net worth per share of the company is Rs. 556.59, Rs. 516, Rs. 660.77, Rs. 812.72 by 078/79, 079/80, 080/81, 081/82 respectively.
Current per share earning is Rs. 148 and the expected is Rs. 146.47 by 079/80. The expected profit/loss is Rs. 1,96,806 by 079/80.