Dordi Khola Jal Bidhyut Company Ltd-IPO Date Fixed?

DORDI Khola ipo apply

Dordi Khola Jal Bidhyut Company Overview:

Dordi Khola Jal Bidhyut Company Limited was established on 2066-11-14 with its registered office located at Kathmandu metropolitan city ward no.11, Tripureshwor. This company has got approval from the Ministry of energy, water resources, and irrigation for the production of 12 MW hydroelectricity with the agreement valid up to 2104-10-11. The cost of production per unit MW of electricity is estimated to be Nrs.22,45,33,584.14. The payback period of this company is estimated to be 7.67 years(for general investment) and 18.03 years(with discount). This company has got [ICRANP-IR]BB- credit rating from ICRA Nepal Ltd. Dillibazar Kathmandu which indicates a moderate risk of default regarding timely servicing of financial obligations.

Dordi Khola Jal Bidhyut Company IPO details:

Dordi Khola Jal Bidhyut Company Limited is going to float IPO shares to the general public from 26th -31st Jestha,2079.

CompanyDordi Khola Jal Bidhyut
Total no of shares21,95,509 kitta
cost per shareNrs.100
Minimum no. of shares to apply10 shares
Maximum no. of shares can be applied17,00,000 shares

Among total shares, 3%(i.e.65,865 kitta) was separated for company workers and 5%(i.e.1,09,775 kitta) was separated for a mutual fund. Earning Per Share(EPS) of this company was 0.10 in FY 077/78 and is expected to be 4.77 in FY 078/79, and 5.75 in FY 079/80.

The net worth per share of this company in the FY 077/78 was Nrs.102.39 and is expected to be Nrs.105.27 in the FY 078.79 and Nrs.111.02 in the FY 079/80. The reserved profit /loss of this company was Nrs.18,133.31(in thousand) in the FY 077/78, Nrs.55,519.36(IN THOUSAND) in the FY 078/79, and is expected to be Nrs.116,169.53(in thousand) in the FY 079/80.

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